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Mixed Bag For Major Events – Media Release

After careful consideration and consultation with relevant section 355 Committees and the community, Hilltops Council has decided not to proceed with the Cherry Blossom Long Lazy Lunch, Boorowa Irish Woolfest or Harden Kite Festival in 2021.

The National Cherry Festival will proceed in a scaled back format if safe to do so.

Given the significant planning and coordination required for these events, Council is not assured that they can be set up and staged in a manner that guarantees the safety of our community and compliance with the current COVID-19 restrictions.

Our concern is for the health and safety of our communities, volunteers, visitors, and staff.

Hilltops Council General Manager Anthony O’Reilly says “The current COVID-19 situation has resulted in the re-evaluation of events for NSW and across Australia. Recent months have seen the cancellation of many events due to their inability to be executed in a COVID-19 safe way under current Public Health Orders.”

“With most events unable to be held, the aim is now on refocusing marketing activities toward promotion of the region to stimulate the local economy and increase visitation once it is safe to welcome visitors back to the region,” Mr O’Reilly continued.

“Hilltops Council will continue to promote the region, and especially goods and produce that are available to purchase online, during the spring and summer seasonal peaks which feature canola and wheat paddocks, cherry blossoms and the cherry harvest. Our goal remains the same, to increase economic activity for the Hilltops Region.” He concluded.

Excitingly, the Boorowa Irish Woolfest is now scheduled to be held on Saturday 19 March 2022 to coincide with St Patrick’s Day, a nod to the Irish influence of the event, and allow more emphasis on wool products in the lead up to winter.

The Harden Kite Festival Committee are working towards an enhanced event in October 2022 featuring all the usual highlights with some new additions to the program.

The National Cherry Festival section 355 Committee have been working hard to create a COVID-19 safe program of activities from 3 December 2021 to 12 December 2021 highlighting and celebrating the cherry season.

The program will feature a series of smaller community events held across a ten day period providing a combination of activation events in various locations and some of the feature events of the festival.

While the alternate program is still being finalised, it is anticipated that the National Cherry Festival activation events will include the Coronation of the Cherry King and Queen, photo competition and art show, farmers markets, shopping promotion, a virtual reality activity and more.

For the latest information visit or follow the pages for each event on Facebook.

Hilltops Council 

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