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Near Miss In Murrumburrah

The twin town’s newest tourist attraction is certainly bringing tourist and visitors to town alike. The masterpiece by ‘Heesco’ was completed just a few weeks ago however, it is causing some motorists to be distracted already, especially those who aren’t local. The Times was informed this week by a witness that a ‘near miss’ occurred near the mill site. They said, “A vehicle towing a caravan was slowing down as they travelled west to view the silo art and were being followed by a semi trailer. The vehicle slowed to such a degree that the truck driver had to swerve from behind the caravan to avoid hitting it from the rear. In doing so the truck went in to the path of an east bound travelling semi trailer who also had to take evasive action to avoid hitting the oncoming semi.”

The witness said, “Oh God, I thought I was going to see the most awful crash.” The caravaners pulled into the curb totally oblivious to the incident that had unfolded behind them and to the side of them. Questions must be asked, does this section of Murrumburrah warrant a speed of 40 kilometres an hour and more signs directing traffic to slow down in the precinct. If so, the benefits will be two fold in that safety will likely increase and there is more chance of tourists coming to a stop and spending money in the Murrumbrrah cbd.

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