Joey Roberts – 7th Light Horse Gundagai Troop member Joseph Roberts will represent his local troop, riding in ANZAC Day ceremonies in New Zealand on Wednesday.

While the nation commemorates ANZAC Day on Wednesday, one local Light Horse trooper is set for an ANZAC Day like no other he’s commemorated before. There will be a very local connection with Joey Roberts living in between Harden and Jugiong.

7th Light Horse Gundagai Troop members are extremely excited for trooper Joseph Roberts who will again represent the troop on an international stage travelling to the land of the long white cloud, New Zealand, to bring the two nations together in the ANZAC tradition.

Making Joe’s trip even more memorable will be the fact that this year sees the last ANZAC Day commemoration for the Centenary of the War to end all Wars, World War I.

Joe will ride in ANZAC Day ceremonies with the Amuri and Kaikoura Mounted Rifles Troops.

These troops belonged to the Canterbury Mounted Rifles who fought alongside the Australian Light Horse Regiments in the Palestine Campaign.

The coming together of these troops will see the Canterbury Mounted Rifles and 7th Light Horse Regiments back together and working in partnership, much the same as they did at the end of WWI.

Joe is set for a real treat from our Kiwi cousins. He will take part in ANZAC Day ceremonies across the Canterbury Region, however the highlight will be the Dawn Service at Kaikoura Beach. This Ceremony will see two “Waka” war canoes landing at dawn. Maori Warriors will conduct a beach landing to emulate that of the ANZAC’s at Gallipoli, followed by a “Haka”.

Before travelling home, Joe will be taken on a horseback tour through the Canterbury Highlands. This will allow him to see the regions that the New Zealand Mounted Rifles were recruited from.

Joe is not only looking forward to this trip but is keen to represent his troop, his town and his country with pride.

“I am very excited to go and represent not only our troop, but the Riverina and Australia on such a special occasion,” he said.

“This really is a wonderful opportunity I’ve been given, and I really look forward to bringing our troops together and remembering our shared heritage.”

Gundagai Light Horse president Wes Leseberg said the relationship being forged between the Amuri, Kaikoura and Gundagai troops is a really exciting concept.

“The troops are planning to share resources to aid members to travel between the troops and countries for various occasions,” Wes said.

“This will allow for the exchange of ideas, reinforce the camaraderie and help remember our forefathers in a special way.”

Joe flies out of Australia today to join up with the Mounted Rifle.

As with a trip like this there is always a large cost but thanks to generous supporters here and abroad they have helped make this dream a reality.

The Troops would like to thank the following supporters in making this happen:

Gundagai RSL Sub-Branch (Aus) Phil Jones – Horse Trainer/Farrier (NZ) Kaikoura Holiday Homes. (NZ) Nikki Beardsley (NZ) Terry King. (NZ) Amuri Mounted Rifles Troop. (NZ) Kaikoura Mounted Rifles Troop. (NZ