Another gathering of about fifty people young and old took place on New Years Eve in the park behind the Memorial hall where once again street cricket was popular. Everyone was amazed when Cara, Harlow  Brooklyn  (new in town) brought along their little pet black pig, Hamlet, to join in the festivities as he didn’t  want to go to market, have jam and cream, stay at home. He just wanted to come to the New Year’s Eve party. The barbecue, salads and refreshments made for an enjoyable evening.

The ‘game’ days are being acclaimed a success as even older persons are getting involved, especially with darts. The next meeting will be this Sunday, January 28th from 11am so come along and join in the fun and enjoy lunch. Rainfall for the year ending 31st December totalled  531 mms compared with 685 mms for 2016 which is the dryest year since 2013 when 454 mms was recorded.

And it came to pass , as a result of a tragic series of accidents, a prominent Labor politician, a prominent Liberal  politician, and an ordinary Australian worker all arrived together at the  Pearly Gates. “This is absolutely marvellous” exclaimed St Peter. “We haven’t  had anyone new up here for ages. From Australia , you say? Now just hang on a minute while I find the keys… wretched things must be in the clouds somewhere.” after a good five minutes he turned to the trio and said.  “This is awfully embarrassing but I can’t find the keys so I’ll have to ring through to HQ to get them to end down the spare set.”After a further wait no keys arrived. “Er look, you chaps, I’m terribly sorry about this  so let me make it up to you to grant you each a wish.

Is there anything you’d like to see done down on Earth?” “Anything?” asked the Liberal politician.”Whatever you like,” confirmed the saint. “Just name it , and I can fix it.””Right, could you do something  in the thunderbolt line, down there right in the middle of the Labor Party HQ?” “Oh I say! steady  on old chap! Isn’t that a bit drastic?””You did say anything at all,” countered the Liberal politician.”I assumed it was a core promise.” “Oh well, all right if that’s what you want, I’ll do it.” He turned  to the Labor politician, who was jumping up and down in a rage and foaming at the mouth.”And what would you like?” St Peter  asked.

“The Liberal Party HQ, fire and brimstone! Burn the blighters, make those capitalist squirm!” “Oh really!” sighed  St Peter. “This is so childish, however if that’s what you want, I’ll have to do it.” “What about you ?” turning to  the ordinary Aussie worker. “Nice cold beer ‘ud go down well.” “A beer? A cold beer?Is that all?” St Peter queried. The Aussie worker sighed contentedly and settled down on a cloud where he had a good view of the entire southern hemisphere. “Just a beer , mate,” he repeated. But please serve these two blokes first.” John Killick.