Monday morning and it is WET. Good heavy rain through the night. The flowers should be grinning their heads off. Unofficial report indicates about 22 mms around town. What a weekend it was in Binalong and so fortunate that the rain (which was so badly needed) did not start until all the events were well and truly finished. The weekend began with the Max Cullen and Warren Fahey Evening with Henry Lawson and Banjo Paterson held in the Mechanics Institute.

The attendance was not great but those who did go had a most enjoyable outing listening to the imaginary conversation between the two poets discussing their lives while waiting at the pearly gates. The performance was organised by the Binalong Arts Group who rounded the evening off with a delicious supper.

Saturday saw about 150 motor bikes zooming around town and gathering at the hotel to begin the Poker Run. A mystery to me when I first heard of the Poker Run but I think I understand that at each stop on the run at hotels around the area, beginning with Boorowa, they were given a card and at the conclusion of the ride, back in Binalong, the rider with the best poker hand claimed the kitty. I hope that is not too far from the facts. I also understand that Victor Muscat was the organiser of the day. The riders camped at the recreation ground where food and entertainment were provided for them. A great day for all concerned.

Sunday was another huge day at the school’s first Market Day. Many people enjoyed the novel events which ranged from guessing the number of balloons in the car to rolling around in a balloon. Coffee, ice cream cakes etc were available and appreciated by adults and kids as well. What a great idea it was to walk around with fruit salad, corn on the cob etc and entice the people to enjoy the fare offered. I could smell the bacon when I arrived long after breakfast so I believe quite a few people enjoyed having bacon and eggs cooked for them. There were several other stalls there offering a wide variety of goods to be purchased. Unfortunately I did not know there was a car wash operating on the grounds. I think it was a wonderful day and all those parents and friends who planned the day and then did all the work are to be congratulated and thanked. Really a great day people.

Then, Sunday night, another big turn-out at the golf club, the occasion being the Melbourne Cup Calcutta. Race horses are not really my “thing” so I stayed at home but I believe (sometimes I should not believe what I am told) that it was a very big night with great competition in buying a horse. A very successful night organised by the tennis club committee to raise funds to re-surface the courts. Tuesday will see Julie organising the Melbourne Cup Luncheon at the Hotel and it is a dead cert that will be a great outing. Anything Julie does is! She is also providing a Christmas Lunch on 23rd November and the St Thomas Anglican church ladies invite interested diners to join them there. Please let Cora (62274262) or Glenyse (62274445) know if you wish to reserve a spot (or a chair) on that day.

Sunday’s golfers emptied their bags out and played 18 holes with just two sticks and a putter for trophies donated by Adam and Susie McGeachie. John Lee had 82-63 to take home the soft drink and Chris Glover claimed the runner up trophy with 85-67 after defeating Tony Barton on a countback. Those scores sound pretty good for that particular novelty event. Next Saturday a club trophy and on Sunday another novelty (aka as maybe a very tiring event) for John and Norma Blair’s trophies. The idea is to play nine holes of golf and then nine ends of bowls, but don’t despair, you can play one OR the other or both. Somehow, I know not how, the golf secretary and captain will determine a result. Golf will be played first and play will commence at 12:30pm. It was great to see John Blair (club patron) back up there for a chance of winning a horse in the Calcutta. He has been quite ill but seems to have made a remarkable recovery, though he hasn’t had the golf clubs out just yet. Best wishes John.

It is also great to see Yvonne Langfield back in town, staying with us for a few days. She now lives in Yarrawonga with her daughter and son in law. In the School bulletin Mrs Arabin thanks all those who helped make the Market Day such a success and emphasised how much planning and work went into the day. The kids are back into their Literacy and Numeracy programmes as well as History, Maths Dance etc. Their Creative Art/Science programme has had them planting sunflower seeds and as they grow, this will be integrated with their Creative Art as they look at the sunflower paintings by Van Gogh. The littlies are into fractions by colouring and folding the paper in half etc. Another interesting subject is the discussion of the how and why of shadows. Last week the stars were awarded to Thomasina Knight, Malea Arokiaswamy and Ivy Saunders. Until next time